Thursday, September 1, 2011

And all manner of things shall be well. . .

It has been a tough week--made a little bit tougher when I compare it to last week, when somehow I was able to accomplish every thing, large and small, that was on my agenda.  This week I just feel like my wheels have been spinning non-stop, and so I really haven't been in the mind-set to blog about good things.

But as I was talking to a friend who is having a tougher week than I, this quote from Julian of Norwich came to mind:  "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well."  And I recalled this excellent reflection that I found when doing research for my capstone project, and had the good sense to bookmark.  So having nothing of my own to share, I thought I'd at least share the link to this thing of beauty. (I hope this is okay copyright-wise.  If anyone tells me otherwise, I will remove the post.)


The Spirituality of Abundance

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